In the Configuration Manager, you can create Associated Pages, which are URLs that are associated with a specific entity family. Associated Pages will be available in the GE Digital APM when a user is viewing a record that belongs to a family for which Associated Pages have been defined. In general, the syntax for URLs that serve as Associated Pages is the same as the syntax for URLs that you construct in the GE Digital APM. One exception to Associated Pages is the URL syntax for specifying a variable parameter value. In the GE Digital APM system, variable parameter values in query URLs are surrounded by $ (dollar signs). For URLs that serve as Associated Pages, variable parameter values are surrounded by [ ] (square brackets).
Consider an example where the Tank family has a Manufacturer_ID field that stores the name of the company that manufactured the Tank. Now, suppose a query exists that returns a list of tank failures and contains a prompt, with the prompt ID Manufacturer, which accepts the name of a given manufacturer. The purpose of the prompt is to limit the query results to those failures associated with the specified manufacturer. Using this example, you could create a link on the Associated Pages menu that executes this query and passes in to the Manufacturer prompt the Manufacturer ID from the Tank record that is displayed in the Record Manager.
The URL for the link might look something like this:
meridium://Registry/QueryBuilder?QueryPath=Public\Meridium\Queries\Failures by Manufacturer&Manufacturer=[Manufacturer_ID]
This URL contains one variable parameter value: Manufacturer_ID. When a user executes the Associated Page, the value from the Manufacturer_ID field in the current Tank record will be passed to the Manufacturer prompt in the Failures by Manufacturer query. As a result, the query will return a list of failures associated with the manufacturer of the Tank record that you are viewing at any given time.
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